Hoadly - BX5136 H6

.. The .lea f nablenefs trlefe words ; yet I fhould have thought it much more reafonable, from the confiant form of expre ing fuch declarations, to have applied both words to one thing than to have argued the contrary way, from the ufe of twodifferent words. And, therefore, had not the Aft done it for us, we think it needs no evafion, or diflihc iori, to determinebothAgent andc`onfent to the ufe of the Common-Prayer Book ; to the ufe of all things contain'd in, andprefcrib'd by it. But the Aci has really done it for us. Suppofing, therefore, that fome of the fiat promoters of this Ac7 had evil and pernicious dehgns ; yet fince it is a molt ufual thing in our Legal Forms to apply two or more words to one and the fame thing ; and fince we are all agreed that -one ofthere words ought tobe applied to the /e of this Book I think we may, Without the leaft violence to the words, or our own Çonfciences, apply them both to that only, there being nothing againft it in the it felf. Having, therefore, (hewn that this de- claration may fairly and honeffly be made with refpeE only to the ufe of this Book, fuppofing'the 4c`i had not fo plainlyde- i amined it having prov'd from thopra- Ettce