The ?reface. opinion ofhirn to think him capable con- of a fuck a defign. But If y, that dering the manner in which they are reptefnfed to his Readers, and the injinuations often drop'd in their way, it is too probable that multitudes will embrace them as Truth, and be led by them to judge Ministerial Con- formity a fin o f a very high nature : which indeed it mu, f be, if thefe re- prefntations be realnable. It cannot therefore be thought an unbecoming attempt, to endeavour to convince the world that they are not reafonable that fo th reputation of a wa-ole fo- ciety rf Men may not finer unja[ ly in the tenderefr point : I mean their Honefty and Integrity. Secondl What Ifarther propof by the publication o thefe Papers is, y f To fatisfie thofe who fill continue to difont from us. Imeanfilch of them as Mr. Calamy, and thofe whofe caul