Hoadly - BX5136 H6

The Preface. caufe he pleads in a peculiar manner whofè feparation, tho' not accompa- niedwithfilch violence and heat, yet carries along with it more ofmyfiery, and ismore unaccountable than the fe- parationof thorwbo are at agreater clfance from us. But how unac. countable foever it appear, it cannot but become us to do all we can for their fatisfacciion. For ifwe think they are very much to blame in continuing theirfiparation, We cannot but hear- tily with they would unite with us. And if we heartily wifh this, We 'hall not infult or triumph over them, but endeavour to convince them ; to remove what we judge to beprejudi- ces, and tofit things in a due light before their eyes. This ig what I have attempted : and there is rme- what both in the principles andpra- dice ofthefe pertns, which )(Ups me not to think it altogether an hope-. 1 f attempt. A 4. This