The Soxle.refeAsallcaßing to Chrift. neffe are inChrift; not one treafure, but all trea- lures; not Tome treafures,but all treafures,Efay61. When the Gofpell wasprofeffed, there was aful- *wife ofmercy, and there wee fhall feeakind of meetingand concurrencyofall hidingstogether. So that where the Gofpell comes, thrreis joy for the forrowfull, peace for the troubled, ftrength for theweaker heyour miferieswhat they can bee here is relcefe feafonable and futable toall your wants, miferies, and realities. Nay,this is not onely for theprefent nccellìty. Mercy is not only able to releeveyour prefent neceflity, but your fixture affix It is not with mercy as with thewi. dowof sarepta, who thought when the meale in thebarrell,and theoyle in thecrufe was1pent,the lhould then furely perifh. No, it is not fo in the fulnellè and fufficiency ofthis mercy; it hash not onely enough to doe you good for the prefent, and to fuccour you in all prefent wants ;but what miferies (Dever (hall befall thee, or what troubles fhall betide thee for future times, the fulneff of Gods mercy laies in provifion againft fuchnecef- fities, and timesofmiferies andvexations. Fora poore fnner may be driven toa hand after this manner: It is true_faith the finner, I have hereto- forecommitted many finnes, God hath feaìedup the pardon ofthem unto me,and thole finswhich have heretofore pleafed me, God hathgiven me afight ofthem in fomepowerand meafure againft them.But what ifmore fins, ifmore temptations, ifmorecorruptions, ifmore guilt, if more horror fel a upon my heart, how then (bail I fuccour my felfe?