Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

1 tg TheSouks epivaacaUingtoChrill, regard of the duties they doe dilcharge, and though they thinke they have faire hopes and great hopesof heaven, why, fay they, Godwill powre downe his wrath upon thole that knew not God, and that call not upon his name, but what doe you ma':keofus, are we heathen,zre not we Chriflians, have not wee beene baptized, and the Lord hath inabled us to doefomething, wee call upon his name, and feeke him by falling and prayer, and therefore he that bath done fo much for us,and hathdone fo much to us, lure hee will give us heaven : I anfwer, that this bottome is rot fufficient to beare up this hope, all the pri- vileges thou hafl,all the meanes, ordinances thou enjoyeff, unleffe thy heart be humbled, and thy foule brought to Chrift, all thefe will fall under thee,and thou wilt goe to hell, Rom. s, 28. He is not a jaw that is a Jewoutwardly,the Jewes they braggedofthis, they were circumcifed, and the Heathen were not circurrcifed 5 they were the feedofArahans, but the Heathen were not; Paul vilifieth all this,he is nota Jew,that is a Jew out- wardly; thy baptitme,thy praying, and thyhea- ring, there is no profit by them, no comfort in them, if thou maintaine a wicked life, and a naughtyheart, therefore this will not ferve the turne,youknow it,and the Scripture fpeaketh ir, hubs an A.pof}le, Zudir called by Chrifl, he fat with our Saviour, and dipped his hand in the dill], he was a Devill then, and is with theDe- Nits now the foolith virgins hada trim profef- fonsas well as theothers; thou profe1Tfi, and hcarefi,