Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

136 The Souks efedual1raiding toChrifl. it bath a ward to hang and holdupon: Pfeil, r 30.5, Iwait upon the £;ord, and1 hope inbts Word : and co Rom. i 5.4. AI/things arewrittenfer our in}truaion, that thrccu,h the comfort of the scriptures weemight have hope: here is hope, not through your con- ceits, imaginations and dreames, but through the Scripture : we might have hope,a groundedhope is aScripturehope, it is aword hope ; and there- fore thole that cannot bring aword, and give a reafon for their Lope, I would not givearufh,nor afartliing token for a hundred cart load of fuel] hopes : No, it is Law hope, it is GofpeJl hope, Scripture hope, Word hope; fo that the foule can fay, theWord faith, the Lord came to lave thofe that are loft,why I finde my felfeto be Ioft, and therefore I hope the Lord will feeke mee, though I cannot feekehim ; I hope the Lord will findeme, though I cannot finde my felfe; I hope the Lord will lave me, though :I cannotfavemy fèlfe. But the hopes of the wicked hang like a cloud, they are not grounded upon the evidence ofthe Scripture, they crowd all in the general]; I hope to fare as well as others, and other had mercy, and why not I ? And hence the hopes of the wicked are un[ledfaít and wavering : but a man might here demand,arenot thehopes ofthe Saints fo too ? Doe they not waver and flogger many a time? Anfwer, It is true, but with this difference ; the hopes ofGods fervanis are like an anchor, which though sometimes it is tinker], yet it holdeth the faller: but the hopesofthehy- pocrites are like the waves of the feas, and they come