Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

The Sonialiana' lealling toChrift. truth oftheprornife : the Spirit you know, wee (hewed, flirreth the heart to hope : nowhee tur- neth hope fo to God,that the eyeoíthe fettle go eth that wayand cannot bee taken from it, but it will goe promife-ward,andGod-ward. Hence take a poore firmer, when lee isat theweakeft under water; when all temptations, oppofitions, cor- ruptions, grow ftrongagain ft them, the Lord let- teth them bofe again ft the foule, nay letteth the poore foule come to joyne fide with Satanagainft himfelfe, and the goodnefreoftheLard; andhee faith, the truth ofit is, I (hall one day perifh by the hand ofSaul: this proud foolith filthy heart of mine, it will be my bane; it had better forme never to have beene, I lhail never get power, ftrength and grace againf thefe fnnes; here is the loweft under ofa poore foule.Ifaman fhould now reply, why then call offal! hope and cinfi- dence, reje& themeanes, and turne toyour fins; Marke howhope freppeth in and faith, it is true, whatever Iam and doe, what evermy condition is, I will ufe the means, I any' Cureall myhelpe is in Chrift, all my hope is inthe Lord Jefus, andif I mutt perifh, I will perifh feekinghim, andwai- ting upon him. Why, this is hopenow, and I war- rant that Coale (hall never goe to hell. Ff.l. I 19. 8 r. My heartfainted, and mj hope was in thyfai- vation : Ifay 8.7. Iwill waitfor the Lord, echohash bidhim(èlfefrom theh. on(é o Jacob : theLotd hid:th himfelf, hedoth not (hew himfelfe, he hathnot manifefted himfelfe, yet I will hope in the Lord, that hidethhis face : prat. 6g, 3. But the tope ofthe wicked