Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

The Solderefëcivall calling to Chrift. 1.4 3 of it, Lord, a prophane heart, but wearieof ir, Lord. Thelafi ufe, it is an ufe ofexhortation, lance Pte3. youfee theworth of it, and the way thereunto, Exhortat, let every one labour for this hope, Heb, t i.6. there faith the Apoftle, I would defire you to give the fame diligence to the full aflurance of hopes I defire you, I intreat you, I willnot fay I commandyou, though this may be enjoyned: if youhave any hope in heaven, if you have any treafure in Chrift, labour to quicken this affe- ¿ionabove all : here I am to thew the motives and themeanes. The firf} motive is this, in truth wee have no Motive ¡, more ufeofany thing thanofhope, it is a thing that is molt ufefull for us inall eftates,inall con- ditions, what ever we doe, brethren,there is no- thing more ufefull than thisgrace ofhope, hope isanuniverfall grace : I tell you hopingandbrea- thing are all one, as breath continueth life and foule together,fo loth his hope: the truth is, wee have as much ufe ofhoping for God and waiting for his goodnefîe, as the body ofbreathing and preCerving oflife, t Corin, g. io. That bee that ploweth may plow in hope, brethren, all our aetions mull have hope goealong with them, the man muff pray in hope, preach in hope, and heare in hope; what ever thou haft, hope í}i11, that God may bletTe it;what ever thoudoff, hope that God will affili thee in it : when a man preacheth,hee muff preach in hope, thoughbee Both not doe good now this day, nor next day, yet hope what T2 the