144 Thesouks efeEluall caainn toChrift. the Lord may doe, yet hope what the Lordwill doe, fo in the timeof our pilgrimagehere wee cannot live without this hope, fo incommingto the wordofGod,thou commeft one day, andyet theword profitethnot, thoucommeft the fecond day, andyet the word prevailethnot, thou com- melt the third time, yet the word humblethnot; come (till, hope {till, the Lordmay be pleafed at laft to f et home fotne word, that may humble thy heart,andquicken thyfoule, and fubdue thy corruptions. Motive z. Thefecond motive is this, we have moft need ofit,as nothing is more ufefttll,fonothing ismore needfull for the benefit of the foule:you knowin warre,thoíeplaces of the body thatare molt ream dy tobeaffaulted, they looke to fence that efpe- daily, as now thehead ofevery fouldier, there- fore everyone gettethahead-peece, and will bee lute toget ahelmet about him: nowwhat ahead- peece isto thefouldiour inwarring, thathope is to the Chriftianin living,' rhefál. g.8. I befeech you obferve it, theDevill fighteth at the head continually, which is the hopeoffalvation, the affurance ofGods love,, this is the head-peeceof aChriftian,ifonce this be gone,the foule isgone, and a mans heart finked' within him, Sathan in tendethmoft harme this way, and thereforewee fhould bee moil carefull to beftow the more paines for our helpe in this particular take a poore firmer , cut off his hope , and you cut off his head, if a mans armes were gone, bee might live,ifamanwant a leg,he might (till con- tinue,