TheSoulesefEluall calling to Chrift. tinue,but if his head-peece be gone,all isgone; a Chriftian may want many inlargements, many comforts, many abiliries,butifhis head-peece be gone,if his hopebe cut off,alas ! he hath nothing to fupport and fuftaine himfelte in the time of trouble. This hope is that whereby our hearts are kept c atotive 3 both in the loveofGod, and provokeduntoobe- dience untoGod, lude 21. Keepefaunfelvei in the love-of God, expeúing the mercieofGod; now this is nothing but theworkeofhope, and brethren, this is a rule,unleffe we expe&Tome mercie from God,we will never looke after him,we will never obey him,never walkewith him, but when wee eveCome good thing commingunto,ns, then wee love him and follow after him : but fome might here fay,it is true,we doubtnot of thecom- fort and benefit that commeth by it, but what meanes are there that might helpe a man to hope in thegoodneffeofGod, how fhall a manuphold his foule in force meafure in expe&ing mercie from theLord ? Anfro. Themeanes are three. Labour above all to caft out all carnali fenfuali- Meaner Io. tie,that commonly creepeth upon us, and would prevaile over us; I meane this that wee would faine liveby fettle, our carnali hearts be fenfuall creatures, wewould faine live by our fenfe, what we fee with our eyes, and feele with our fingers, and have inour hands,that we canbe fiare of, but wee can have nothing in hope : now when the foule is taken up with, and beftoweth it felfe up- on theprefent things, then you put hope outof offace: 145