Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

7"heSoules effeEtuallcallingto Chrift. office : Rom.$. 24. Tom arefaved through hope, and hope that is feene is no hope a man Both not hope for a thing that he hath, but hope alwayes ex. pelts a good that is tocome; this is themarvel- lous fottith diftemper of our wretched hearts, that wee will truft God no further than wee fee him : 4I3s t. 9. wilt thou now reftore the king- dome to Ifrael, juft now ; fo here, faith the foule, may I nowhave grace,may I now have aflura ice, may I nowhave the evidenceofGods love ? but Iwould have it now, where now is hope all this while ? you rake away the workeof hope, when you would have things prefent: wee know the childe muff waitfor his portion before hee bath it,foyoumuff frayyour time, and be contented with the dealingofthe Lord toward you in this kinde. Means a. You mutt dailyattend and labour tobee much acquaintedwith the precious promifes of God, to have them at hand, andupon all occafions, for thofe are thycontorts, thofe are they that fupport thy foule,that looke as thebody is without com- fort, unfit for any thing, nature groweth feeble and weake,apale face,a faint heart,a feeble hand, and the like; fo irishere,unleffe a man bath that provifionof Gods promifes, and have them at hand daily, and have them dithed out and fitted for him, his heart will faile : Rom. 15.4. What ever was written wasfor ourcomfort, that through the scripturewe might hope. Verfe z3.That we might abound in hope through the Goff,eff ; as who fhould fay, it is not in your power to fupport your hope, lt