Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

148 The Soule: effeEtuallcalling toChrift. that' know there is a God in lfrael g though the King cannot Neale, yet aGod can ; though themeaner cannot, yet the Lordcan; fo it is here, thehope thata manbath in thefe things herebelow, and the hope in the Gofpell : Aman fendeth out his hope, having a wounded confcience, hee now goeth tohis gifts,that they should pacífiehim, he fendeth out his hope to his prayers, that they (hould cafe him; marke what they fay, are wee God, wecannot helpe ; but hearewhat the pro- mile faith, though prayers cannot, though parts cannot,though outwardhelpecannot,yet there is aGod in Ifrael,there is apromife that isable,here is merde enough, here is power and comfort enough. Meaner 3. Maintaine in thyheart a deepe and ferious ac- knowledgement of that fupreme authoritie of the Lord,todoe what he will,and howhe will ac- cording to hisowne pleafure; brethren,Ibefeech you to obferve it, this I take to be the ground, why the heart ofa poore (inner is marvellous ta- ken up withpaflìon and diftemper, and a kinde of teachy thortnefl-e ; wee thinke tobringGod toour bow, we have hoped thus long, andGod notanfwered, wee have Rood fo long, and no comfort and (hall we wait Bill ? wait ? Iwait, and ble(í'eGod thatyou maywait : if you may lye at Gods feer,and put your mouth in theduft,and at theendofyour dayes have one crum ofmerde, it is enough, therefore checke thofediftempers, what ifGodwill? when a wretched (innerwrang- lethwith God forhis dealingwith him, Paul teth