7'he soukseffed ni te Chrift. 149 tech him {hors, what if God will ? fo when thou thinkeft the time Ion.-,when Lord, and how long Lord,what if God will ? heoweth thee nothing, thou deferveft nothing, what if Godwill damne thee, and will G rid thee to hell ? it is a moft ad- mirable ftrange thug, that a poore wortne wor- thie of hell fhrttld take up flare, and Randupon rearmes with God, and he will not wait upon O d,whomull wait then?unuft God wait:or man wait? mutt the Great-our wait, or the creature wait ? .4 as t, g. wilt thou now reftore the king- dome toIfael,it is not for you ro know the times and the lèafons; as who fhauld fay, hands of; meddle with that you have to dog withal', it is for you towait,it i3 for you to expert mercie,it is not foryou to 1 now: fu I would have yoa to doe, whenyoubegin towrangle and to fay, how long Lord, when Lord, andwhy not now Lord, and why no I Lord ? Why ? checke thy owne heart and fay, it is not forme toknow, it is forme tobe humble,and tobeabafed,and towait for mer- cy, but itis nor for metoknow the time. Thus much tem.-erninzHope: N wfoIlowstf, next Delire. 1 yowls;