Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

aa Thesautesef 'eEissafd caging to C;hrifr. a ,f v J0 11N x.45. Lroely one that bath heard and learned ofthe Father, Commeth untome,&c. N this great worke of vocation, there are two things confiderable: , Pirft, the call on Gods part by the preachingoftheGofpell; Second- ly, the gracious anfwer to Gods call. Now as all the foule departed fromGod,fo it mutt bee all brought backe againe to God. Therefore, first the underftandingis enlightned, and that g'ves notice to the foule that mercy is in- tended towards it ; then hopeexpdes that mercy, and then defire wanders about fromordinance to ordinance, and longs for that mercy. , rine. TheDoctrine then which arifeth hence is this; that The spirit ofthe Lord quickens the defire ofan humble and inlightned(inner, to lenp fer the riche/ of hit mercy inchrif . For the right conceiving of this Dottrine, three paffages are tobe underftood Flrft, that this defire is in the heart humbled and inlighened : ifeither of thefe twobe wanting, this fir; cannot grow them,