Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

the soclesefeEivallcalding toChrift. ISI Secondly, thisdefìre is quickned by thespirit ; for though the foule bee humbled and made no- thing,and be content tobeat Gods difpofall ; yet it is not able through any principle oflife which it hathof it felfe tobee carried toany fuchfhper- naturallworkeas this defireis : therefore the Spi- ritmutt quickenand move the heartthus humbled ,. and inlightned to long for the riches ofGods mer- cy, and this delire is called the lifting up of the heart after the good it wants. As the Infant can- notgo without the handof the Father,fo apoore firmer (in himfelfe confdered) is as an Infant, andnpt able to lift up himfelfe to this delire any further than the Lord inables him by his grace and fpirit. The bowle is fit torunne, yet it can runne no longer than the ftrength of the hand flicksupon it : So the humble inlightned foule is fit to come to Chrift, yet it will not, nay it can- notftir further than thehandof the Spirit moves it. Let every poore broken hearted firmer take Note. noticeofit, for this will informe youofa ftrange kinde of truth, remember this, you mull not thinke to bringdefirewith you to thepromife, but receivedelire from the promife : It is a vaine thing tothinke that if the oares be in the boar, the boat muff needs goe ; indeed the oare will move the boat, but the handof the Ferri-man mull firft move the oare : The foule is like the oare,and unleffe thehandofthe Spirit moves our delire, it cannot move towards the Lord. Laftly, the Doctrine faith the fpirit quickens tip the heart to long for the riches of Gods mercy;' V a tic