Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

TiJeSautes eft-eauill calling toChrift. reproofe,which falls heavie : ifthis befo,that the Lord breeds a thorow and found delire in the heartsofthofehe intends good unto ( not a fla- fihy delire, but) like the defireofa longingwo- man that muff hateher longing, orelfe the dyes, fo anhumble foulemuft have a Saviour or elfe he dyes, for what thePaid in regard ofchildren, the humbled foule that bath a true defire after Chrift faith the fame, Giveme aSaviour or elfe 1 die. This then is a bill ofinditement againft a world of men that lift their hands full high, and thinke their penny good flyer, and are termed prof-et: fours; ifaman be baptized andcomes to Church, this is that which upholds him in the time of trouble and timeof extremitie, he defire to be holy, and he defires to pleafeGod. lithe Minim tier reproveshim, and tells himhis life isnaught, andhisconverfation wicked ; You grace ? no,no, youcannot havograce here, nor falvation hereaf, ter upon rhefe rearmes, your fpeechesareunfa- voury, your life is unprofitable andunfruitful!, never thinke tohave any grace ifyou thusconti- nue : Hee thenconfeffeth hee bath manyweak- neffes,and he cannot talke as he would,andwords will come fomerimes from him before hee is aware,but his defire is to pleafe the Lord, and his delarc is tobe holy, and this is the bufineffe that brin;s molt men intoa quiet kinde ofcalme, and fo they goehudwinkt downe to hell. But what if I now prove that you never had a defire, I meanea true found ferious defire;what then?will you thengive up the buckler, andyeeld theday, and