Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

The scats ualleallirt#a Clirift. a Minitter cannot force a power ofgrace upon their foules, or any ofGods precious promifes upon their hearts, tliefeare lazie droanes indeed. Doth that man defareacommoditie that will beat theCarrier that brings it to him, and caft it away from him ? No,ail theworld will fay he prized it not, bee defined it not,otherwifebee would have received it gladly, and given mach rro.,ey for it too. If a foule were hunger-fhrvcd, would bee not receive bread if it w°reoffered hím,or would he not call the man to him that foldbread, and buy it of him to fupply his wants with the fo_» neft,and fay,let me be ferved firít : So had thee'' profefiburs any longing defire after the precious meanes of graceand falvation, when mercie and falvationhash beene let upon the flail, and the Lord crieth, H7, every one that mill, let him take of th e wellof thewater o flife, aid livefor everfreely 5 and, Flo, every one that thìrffs, let him comeandbuy wineandmilkewitho ,t money: nay, many a Poore Minifter would faine leave his commodity be. Linde him,and faith, You mutt have it, and fhall have it, ndI will give you the buyingofit; wee are faine to forceGodsfavours upon the foule;wc befeech you tobeleeve, and wee intreat you for the LordJefus Chrifts fake toreceivemercie,and humble your foules, wee would force Gods fa- vours upon your hearts : But will any man take thefe favoursnow ? No, beloved, thefe lazie hy- pocrites will not prize this grace,they willnot re- ceive this mercie5 manyTweet promifes, and ma- ny admirable precious things ofgrace and falva- tion 165