168 The Souksefeamalloak toChrift. into thine owre confcience, and condernne thy owne foule:hadit thouas much care for the good ofthy foule, as thou haft for the good of thy cat- tell, thou wouldifgoe as farre to heare theWord preached, that thy foule might receive éomfort and refrefhtnent thereby. When the famine was fore in the Land of Canaan, Jacob did not fay to his fonnes, let us fit fill here till the Egyptians fendusfood, but,get you up thither, andbuyforge, that wee may live and not die. That whichwas in Jacob would be in thy foule,ifthouhadit a (ii:cere delire after the riches of Gods mercy in Jefus Chrift. Sort of lazie Thirdly, Chafe whowhen theyhave the means of grace and falvation, are content toufe them, and if they want the meanes will feekeout for them, but yet are not careful] and wattchfull to prevent thofe inconveniences, and to remove, thole hinderances which prejudice and hinder them from receiving that benefit by the meanes which theywant and delire; thefe never had any trueand found&fiireafter Clrit}, and therefore never (hall receive found grace focontinuing.Of this fortareyour tipling Gofpeliers, for thereare ructi ageneration in the world : a manmay have the'name ofa profefför, andyetbee afecret drun- kard. Firft, hee teeth his evill and confefleth toGod, and prayeth againft it in the morning; yet he will venture into that company, and feeke after thofeoccafiions,wherebyhemay be brought to commit.the fame fnneagaine:. And he faith, alas, it is, my fault, and it is my infirmities my delre Hypocrítes,