Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

Thesoule.ree#r.nllcatiing te Chrift. iba delre is toabandon it, but all flelh is ftatle, and alas, what c oak+ youhave me do ? I pray againft it,it isnot I but linnet and thereforeWI beover- taken and drawne alide with it,pitty is tobe ten- dered, and youmuff pardon me; tl-;u; hee heals himfèlfe. No, no, let fuch men take notice of this : It was not a true delire as wrought in thee, it was onelya deceit.. Is that man defirous tokeep hismony,that willgo into fach company as he is lurewill couzen him ofk, or goe in that way where hee is fare to meet with theeves that will rob him > No, experience teacheth us how tender menare to goe in fachcompany,or to tra- vell that way where they may be affäulted. So I fayofthefe, had the Lord ever wrought ef eeru- ally upon thyfoule, and had thy heart beeneen- largedwith delireafter themercy which God of- fers, when thou hadf}goodexhortations, admo- nitions, and manyEwert promifes made knowne untó thee,thouwoulda not goe amongt} theeves and robbers that thould deprive theeof thecom- fort which thy foule bath received from the Word. The fourt'h fortare thofe, who though fome + Sortce1az;é duty bre prefcribed, and force particular fervice HyP°`rites, revealed to them, andexaded from them by the Min+fter-, yet theywilt .n t fet upon anyduty,but careltíly cat} it off and not attend thereunto: thefe never attained any found delire in their foules. Idoenot fay hee th i omits aduty upon occafion, either onv ternpt,tion furprifing him, or ecoaion prevailing : But whena man is infor- Y 3» med