Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

The souks eéifuallcaging to Chriff. If I havewronged any ma,,, not offoure pounds, butof forty, ahundred pounds; not foureman, but anyman, Iwill reftore,&c. Beloved, this is a dutywhichGod requires ofevery foule; and this is a way whereby thou mayeft get foure comfort to thy felfe ifthou art content to renounce thy finnes,, and receive mercy- in the pardon of them.Ifthereforeanyhere prefent (hall goe away and hidehisffollen water.r,:andbec lothtoreftore that whichheebath gotten byhis cheating and falfedealing, but faith his eftate will be impove_. tithed, and hee (hall bee caft behinde hind; and what will the world fay, I (hallquite bee flamed forever : Why, if thou beeft afraidoflhame,de- liver thy money into the handoffomehoneft and faithfull MinHier, and let himmakeup thematter privately. But what,dott thou tell meofpoverty? rhnu hadft betterbe caft behinde hand, chanbee caft intohell. Doft thoudelire graceand mercy ? Hearken what the Lord faith,this dutymutt bee performed, ifever thou receivemercy, fetupon that duty then, or elle thou (halt neverget par- don ofthyfinnes. Sonowwee may feeby thefe particulars, that the world even fwarmes with lazyHypocrites, and that there is but little found defire after grace. How 'manyhive the meanes and wit! not ufe them? Flowmany want the means, and will not feekeout for them ? How many feeke out for themeanes, but yet are not carefull to avoid thole hindrances whichmay hin- der them from receiving benefit by Gods Ordi» names ? How many are informedand convinced of