Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

The Souk' eJ uallcaldul to _ 173 And firft thofe that will take Eip fo much oft Sort of (tag° Chrift and the Gofpell as may frand with their hypocrites' Credit and with their elfate, they will embraceall thofe truths that are not troublefome but profi- table, that are ofhonour andcredit, and will goe offroundly, thefe they are forward to take up : But ro have all Chrifk,andnothing but Chriff, by nomeares theywill yeeld co. Now the Lord be merciful' to us,this is the religion ofmany;looke into every mans family, confider every mans eourfe, fomuch of the Gofpell as will ferve our turne, fo much weewill welcome and trade im But to come to the congregation only for Chriff, that isa fhame, and tobe frier inordering ones family, we know not what it meancs.Soa fhop- keeper will have fomuch religion as (hall is9able him topray in his family,and conferreas occafion ferves, and to towle ina cufiomer, andput offa crackt commoditie, thus farre hee likes religion : but whenhe comes to this, to have fo much reli- gion as{hall makehim ferve todoe anywrong, fo that ifa poorechildeor filly. woman {hould lay him downe a groat ora teller more than his com- modity is worth, hedares not take it, but give it bac!::e againe : Oh this will doe him no good, he can gaine nothing this way : doe there. men dcfire religion thinkeyou ? Many a maidwould faine marry a man becaufe hehash agood elate, andcanmikeher a good joynture, but that the man fhould rule her, and (he beobedient tohim, this Thee will none of all her delire is to have a rich joynture in his eftate, Somany profefl'e the Gofpell,