174 Se !es u?!a'callingroChritt. Gofpell, becaufe it is amatterofcredit, and great men cannot countenance the Gofpell fo much as the Gofpell credits them : but if thouwilt not be content tobe ruled by the íame,thou art an adul- terous profeflbur, thou never didfi defireChrift for himfelfe, but for thy owne aymes and ends, only tomake abootyofChrifi; but now a good heart,agracious foule, that bath this defre,teton by the Spirit powerfully andeffeétually, will bee content to have all Chrift, and nothingbut him in every thing he enjoyes. A covetous man de- fires wealth, and would he have but a little ? no, he cries,more,more,and hath never enough : the ambitious man defireshonour, and is n ver fatif fled. So hee that longs for the LordJefus, will have all Chrift, and every thing in Chrift, and Chrift in every thing; bee will have a Saviour what ever he wants betides. A childe that longs for the meat on thetable, whenhis father gives him a peece, hee eats it ; his father cuts him ano- ther,heeats that too; then his father bids himgoe downe; no,but more ofthat,father, he frill begs more of rhat,and is never content. So it iswith a foule that de fires grace forgrace fake, and Chrift for Chrifis fake, lie cries ftill,moreof that grace, and more of that Chrift. If Chrift comes to re- prove him,he takes that; ifChrift comes to con - demne him, well-come; if Chrift come to re- forme his finnes, hee rejoyces, and would have more of that fill; Oh moremercie,and oh more grace,and more holineffe,he canneverbe coaten- ted,hecan never begluttedwith that. The