Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

I?o The Soulef effecivallcalling ro Chrift, now,and theycare for no more,theyhave gotten their cafe and quiet now, and asfor Chrift,and grace,and holinefi'e,they care nomore for them, becaufe they haveno more ufeofthem Nay,to goc further ( obferve it) this poorecreature may in his owne fenfe and feeling apprehend and thinke, that hedoth renounce all finne truly, and that he ruts the higheft efieeme and greateff ac. count upon the Lord Jefus Chrift above all things in the world; if hee Tooke into his owne apprehenfiòn, he may thinke he doth thus, and yet the union and leaguebetweene finne and his foule was never broken, ali this maybee in fenfe and feeling, and anhoneft Minifrer,:if he be no verywife incharitie,will judge fo,as (hall appear'e by this infrance: Take water feethinghot,though in nature it is the coldeff of all elements, yet while it continuethon the fire, it growes fo hot, that a man (hall fede no cold at all in ir, but yet there is a principle ofcold remaining in it (as the Philofopher conceives) for plucke the fire from the water, or the water from the fire, and it will returne to coldneffe againe, and freeze the foo- ner,becaufe when it is takenfrom the fire,it beats out the heat with the more violence : Now the reafon why thecold was there, and yetnot per- ceived,was,becaufe the fierceneffeofthe heatdid over - matter it, and made it retire, and not ex- preffe it felfe in outward appearance. So it is with this terrified hypocrite in thefe pangs ofex- tremitie, and horrours ofconfcience, when the foule is poffeffed with the fierce indignation of the