The soule.reauallsalling to Chrift. the Almightie, when the flafhes ofeverlafting vengeance fèize upon the heart ofa inner this takes off the pleafure, delight and content, which the heart had in finne : though the foule love it, and the heart emorace it, and the fpirit dote with ir, yet he can findand feele inhis owne apprehenfion no pleafure at all in finne, nor no fweernefí'e inhis lufts, by reafon achedominee- ring vengeance of the Lord, which takes offall the pleafantneffe that was in it before. And there- fore the adulterer that bathhis dalliances every morning, ifGod let the flames ofhis vengeance once intohis foule, as hee hath flamed in lull, all his fiveetneffe anddelight in fin will vanillaaway inhis owne anprehenfion,but yet his foule cleaves to his baleMils f}ill,and his heart is knit to them, and the league and combination betweene finne and his foule was never broken and parted. So that by this we may fee,whya Ginner in his owne apprehenfion may thinke hee bath no delight in Alnne, and yet there is a league betweene finne and theCoale Rill, and this Hypocrite may thus continue all the while the found ofthe flroke is upon him. If haplyhis affeEtions be furring af- ter fome finne, then faith confcience, You re- member what was done before, you remember what youdid fuch and itch a time;would you fain be in hell againe? I will arreft You for this one day (faithconfc?ence) and to his ((ante flieth off from his curfddilempers, not that theunionbetween fnne and his foule is broken, but onely his cor- ruptions for the prelent are abated forating. By A a this