Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

the SoulereffeFtuallca(,in$to Chrïf}. 183 heaven ? If the Lord hath not yet opened mine eyes, and humbled my heart, and enlarged my foule ; IfI neveryet had a longing after a Savi- our, what not delire heaven r how then can I dreame or thinke that God will (hewmercie to my foule in the pardonofmy finnes? If no delire, noChrif}; no defire, no Heaven; but I have no delre, therefore no Heaven, noChrifl, no hap- pineffe. The Lord fettle rhefe things upon your routes, that you may never give quiet to ycur hearts, nor ref} to your foules, tillyou finde this found delirewrought inyou. Beloved, what will you doe for heaven, if you cannot fomuch as de- fire to come to Heavenand Happineffe? But here Tome will fay, this is a very ftric`t ueff. conrfe, this is a very narrowpafi'age indeed; let us fee howwemaynot bee couzened in our con- dition, nor deceivedby reftng inour performan- ces,&c. I referre my anfwer to there three con - clufions. Ant, Fir(i, thou muff know that theremainders of Conclußon thole diifempers, ( that a man fhould ref} upon the merit of duties rerformed ) are filch remain- ders offinne,as will fiicke tous and remaine with us fo longas we live on the face ofshe earth ä But when once theSpirit of rte Lord takes poffefon of the foule, it counterworkes and digs deeper than there diftempers : for thegoodSpirit ofthe Lord that feizethupon theheart truly humbled-, goeth betweene (Inne and home ; it goeth be- tweene finand the foulecontinually, and makes a greater evill appeare in the foule, than is the A 2 eviii