Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

186 The Sauk, íf ilualcalling toChriff. minde is imightned to fee the beautyofholineffe, and how thy underftanding comes to prize the excellency of goodneffe for it feife, how thy heart hands bent to entertaine all the truth and goodneffeofGod made knowneunto thee. And (marke what now I fay) if thou defireft holineffe for it fèlfe, and the bent ofthy heart is afterholi- nefie, fo that thou canft not bee content to bee eafedbyholines, unies thoubeeft poffefléd,over- powred by holineffe and the verrue thereof: If it be thus with thee,judge thy felfebythis means. Suffer mee to expreffe my felfe after this manner, that(every one mayunderhand : Conceive two women, the one ficke, the other inlove, both delire thePhyfitian; the ficke delires the Phyl- tian, to bee healed byhim, theother d: fires him not fomuch to be healed,but Thee isdefirous to be married to hint. So it is with the foule that is carried ina kinde of loveand affection togodli- nefl'e, bee wouldnot have Chrift onely to heale him, but he would be married to Chrift, that bee mayenjoy the Godofall pardoning, that he may enjoy the God ofall purging and purifying. Take notice of it, fometimes men in times of fcknefl'eufç that for phyficke, which in the time of health they tired for common diet : Soa gra- cious and holy heart in the time of terrour and vexation of confcience will embrace holineffe, not for phyficke fakeonely robe healedby it, but fordiet fake to live by holineffe, that bee might take poffefIìon of holineffe, and that holineffe might take petition of him : this is the heft judge-