Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

be sodeseffiaaaacallingta Chrift. non over Ills foule than ever he had before. So that the foule begins to quarrell with it felfe, and lies down with fharne,& faith, \A hat fhall I think of my praying andhearing? Where is the ver- tue and power ofit ? did ever Chrifl heare my ,pryers, or come intomy foule by his ordinan- ces ? whereis the purging vertue th en to cleare me ofmy finnes ? where is the purifyng vertue to clearne mee from my corruptions? This isa groand ofa gracious heart that placeth not any confidence inholy duties, but onely in the Lord Jefus Chritl,it will fink': in regard ofthe filings in hisbefl duties, and never bee quiet before it gaine venue and fromCh rift The thirdufe ofthe point now rernaines,which is a ufe ofexhortation ; and Ibefeech you, be ex- honed and intreated in thebowies of the Lord Jefus Chrift fince you fee the way that God bath chalked out before you, fince you fee the marke and white at which you muff !even and ayme; what then remaines, but that wee fhould have our hearts carried, andour affeCtions rightly dilpofed to ayme at this marke? You fee what the Saintswill doe,and what God doth doe,their hearts are quickned to long for Chrift- ; labour thou tobe Inch as they are,flrive, that what others have,thoumay& likewife attaineunto, and bee poffeffed of ; provoke one another, flirre upone another,and fay, Are our de fires quickned ? doe we long for a Lord Jefus Chrifl ? this is that we mttft come to, ifWe looke for happineffe, either here or hereafter. B ba But 3 qt.