Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

9 Z Thesouks e f fetualdealling toChrift. efi. But youwill fay this is worth the while indeed, and tl, e dude is worth the performing, but what are the mcanes whereby a man may procure this at the hands oftheLord? Anfiv. Themeanes are loure (I befeech youthinke fe- rioufly ofthem) how the heart may be wrought upon, and the foule finde this bleffed defire ;. get this, and you get heaven, it is worth the while, Oh that we hadhearts to labour for it. t Manes. The firft meanes isthis, beacquainted thorow- ly with thine owneneceflities & wants,with that nothingneffc and emptinefíe that is in thy felfe: the thing is propoundedeafily, but theskill is to worke it upon our hearts,whichwill bemolt hard and difficult. We have many wantsall ofus, but wee worke not our hearts to fee thefe, and tobee fenfible ofthem. Thereforeworke thy foule not only tobe fenfible of all other wants, but alfo of thiswant of delire, (I fpeake now to thofe that want this de fire,not to thofe that haveattained it already at the hands of the Lord) as therefore thou findeft manywants in thy fervices, andma- ny weaknef es in thy performances : So takeno tice and confider ofthewant of a found and fin- cere defire after the Lord Jefus Chrift,andworke thy heartthereunto the more by thefe two pra- &ices. t. Pr°af ice. Firft, labour to cut off all thofe carnali pleas and pretences,; whichwould perfwade thyheart, and that fàlfly,that thou doeft delire theLord Ile fus Chrift. This is anold rule, the foule isnever couzened,nor nevercommits afinne,,but it bath a