Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

The Saules eilliettaalleaíling to Chrift. vate,and make fatisfa6tion tothofe Ihave wron- ged : God faith, I muff reflore thefe ill gotten goods, and yet the truth is, I wouldnever part with themhitherto, but retaine their till, there- fore I never hada true defire. Yet.againe (I be- leechyou helpeone another) goehomeand tea- fonwith your felves, the truth is, Iam the Cage hypocrite,' oriely make a bootie ofChriff; even fo muchreligion as will fervemyhonour,and my cafeandcredit, I will take up, but when it comes to Iufferingonce, that my life; orliberty.' rpro-. fperitie lye at the flake, then farewell Cnrit and grace : by this it appeares, that I never had any true and found defire after Chriff. And if there be any terrified hypocrite here,I thinke there are but few come fo farre, but the time will come you fhall have enough to doe that way, that con- fcience of yours, whole mouth you have flóp- ped,will be awakened oneday, andrend the kall ofyourhearts,if not here, yet hereafter; But if there beany terrifiedhypocrite here prefent, goe home,and reafonwith your felves,I am this terri- fied hypocrite, the Minifler fpake, a3 if beehad . beene in my bofome : In horrour of heart I can call uponGod, and fecke to him, andpray inmy family, and humble my fou'e..; but when the blow is off, I returnwith the dog tohis former vomit,and I thinke to heale all by my fervices ; I am the man, I am the woman, I befeech you, plucke one another on, and fay, I lazie, and you . lazie,I terrified,andyou terrified, I deluded, and youdeluded j therefore now labour to get out of