Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

The soulef of êt uaficalling toChrift. 17 the duty fo weighty,andwe founable ; then how had weneed tobeftirre our (elves, and frame our heatts to feeke for, and attaine to thisbicffedde- fire after Chrift ? z.cAícacr, The fecondmeanes is this,confider the neccflì- tie of thisdefire after grace and goodneffe, it is not a matter of complement and indifferencie ; No, no, I maycall it the very wheeles offaith, upon which faith is carried, for all this while faith is a fowing into the foule : Looke as it is withawaggon, knocke off the wheeles, and all lyes in the duff; fo take away this defire, and faith is in the duft : the tenour ofal! thepromifes run upon this,the thirflie theyare invited, thebun - grie they (ball be fatisged; naynot onely fo, but obferve further theneceffityofthis, when defire comes, all good workes goe forward, and our hearts art not only fet upon thedurie,but the du- tie is crowned and credited by this defire. It is like themill damme, the fuller thedamme is, the fatter the mill goes fo get but defire,and all will goe forward; the moredefire,the more paines in Peeking after grace, this givesa crowneand a cre- dit to all ouranions ; thou prayeft, haply halte an hour:, it is not thy tongue that the Lord ac- cepts,but thydefìre; thou performeft many du. ties outwardly, God cares not forthat,hc lookes only at thy defire to approve thy felfe to God in thole duties, this is the thing that gives credit to all our aûions. The third meares is this labour to fpread forth 3. Meows. the eacellencieofall the beáutie,. and fbrpaffìng Cc glorie