Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

198 The Soules e fleduall collirrg to Chrift. LNke 14. 31. opened. glo: ie that is in the promifes of Grid. Looke wifely,daily,and judicioufly, upon them as occa- fion fervea,and when thou feeft that admirable, and incomparable vertueand beautie, that is in Chrift, and in the precious promifes, andcanft but view them in their proper colours; Oh they will evenravifh thee, and quicken up thy defire. Ifamancarrya packe of never fo rich commodi- ties, and never opens them, no man will have a delire tobuy; Or if a manhave a cabinet full of never foprecious jewels,ifhe doenot unlocke it, no man will be ftirred with a delire after them. Even fo it is with the promifes, all thofe ue- fearchableriches that are in. the LordJefus, and all the comforts, bothof this life, and that which is tocome, they are all Phut up in the promifes: Now fet open the Gofpell, and unlock the cab- binet ofthe promifes,and then the foule will ear- neftlydelire the fame. I tell you God isaGodof comfort, and allthepremifes areyea andAmen in the LordJefus Chrift, read them daily, and exa- mine the excellencie and beautie therein, that fo thyheart may be brought to prize them, and the comfortarifing thence. Thyfoule is difcouraged, thereis mercieto comfort; thou wanteft grace, there is grace to quickén thee. See the worth thereofmore fully : Luke 24. WhenChrift came andwalked with the two difciples that were travelling towards Emasa, Didamour hearts b:srne within au, fay they ,while heopened theScriptures; theLatine word fignifieth to burne with delire; But how came this? they did not talkea word, andaway, but