Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

T'hs soule.reffèRuaealding to Chrifl. 205 it is there as theKing inhis privy chamber,it rules and commands all his fervants. Now theway be- ingcleare, ifyou meet with hopeand faith, love and faith put for one another, underftand that they are norliterally to bee conceived, but in a figurative fenfe. So then to proceed to the Do- ¿.trine I meane toRandupou, which is this: The Spirit o;the Lord kindles inan humbled D°ariae. heart, and inlightned (inner, love and joy, to en- tertain:: and rejoyce in the riches ofhismercy: there are three pa ages to beconlidered, that fo wema fee the co_np lfr:: of thepoint in hand. Firfi, this love and joy is nowhere tobe found I Pa/räge; but in aheart humbled and inlightned,for unleffe the foule bee humbled before God, it feeth no need of grace or mercy, and therefore defpifeth it, and ditclaimes ir, and is carriedwith a hatred againff that grace that wouldmatter his corrupti- ons and purge them : Nay the foule is carried with a kinde of wearifomneffc, and is peftered with the power of grace that would frame his heart anew, his corrupt heart is rather troubled with it, than any waydelighted in it and ifhum- bledand not inlightned, be could not be inlarged tobellow his heart thereupon,norcarry himfelfe with that pleafure anddelight whichotherwife he Would : this is the firft paffage. I know there is a wilde kinde of love and joy in the world, coun- terfeitcoyne; but this is not the love and joy we meane, we will have garden love and joy, ofthe Lords owne ferting and planting; thofe carnall hypocriticall joyes we will notmeddle withal!. Dd The Q