Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

rbe souksefe tualdcallirg to Chrift. clofet with his prayers, and the congregation with his teams, and will enquire of the Minifter of God, and other good Chriftians ; Sirs, you are ofthe bed- chamber,you areacquainted with God, I pray how goes my cafe ? will the Lord, thinke you, pardon me ? did you heare the Lord lay nothingofme? howRands it with me? Nov the Miniftersof God that underftand the frame ofthe heart aright,will fay, TheLord hearesyou are an humble [inner, and that you long former- die, and lye at the court gate, and will rotaway without mercie ; wee heare, God intends well towards you,you fhall heare morehereafter: farre now deliregoetfi. -- Atlaft;Chrìft prefentshimfelfe to the (inner, and fpeakes to his route by the miniftrieof the Word, he lookesdowne from heaven, and gives him a fweet loo!!ke ofinercie, and that makes his heart ¡cape againe, and that is done in thisman- ner, (for ftill undcrftand that God loth it by the minifterieofthe Word, doenot now Tooke for any ftrange dreames or miraculous imaginati- ons) the Lord fpeakes by his Word, and faith, thou haft abrokenheart,thouhaft longed for my falvation, got thy wayes, I have heard thofe prayers ofthine, and obferved thofe endevoursof thine, and thy pardon is granted, bce it to thee as thou haft defired, and thy pardon (hall afterward bee feáled and delivered. Now when the Lord tels the foule, It is doneit wantsonly fèaling and delivering, theheart ofa poore finner, when it fndes fome comfort and refrefhment from the E e Lord 4z3