The Soules effettuaUdcalling to Christ. 215 at htr word. The poore creature cannot but ob. ferve every word, and tremble at every truth Here is falvation ( indeed, faith he) but it is not mine ; here is mercie,but that is not mine : and fo he flakesat the apprehenfon ofit,that he lhould heareofit, and nor enjoy it. The text faith, The Lord lookeratfuch a tremblingfiale; that is,he cafis fweet intimations of hisgoodneffe and kindtsefl'e upon him ; and faith, Thou poore trembling fin- ner, to thee bee it fpoken, I havean eye towards thee in theLord JefâsChriff; this, as I take it, is the meaningof theplace. Ephraim is the pkture ofa foule truly humbled; we may feehis beha- viour towards God, and Gods dealing towards him; the text faith, surely I have heard Ephraim bemoaning himfelfe, (here is the heart broken, and thirfiing, andwhat more ) thouhaft chaftlzed mee, ter. 3.I8, 19, and 1 waschafliztd, asabudtoc*e unaccu(tomed to the 2°' yoake; turne thou me, and1 fhadl be turned thouart theiordmyGod, furely after that Iwas turned,I re. pented, andafter that 1 was inflruffed 1fmoteupon my thigh,! was u(hamed,yea even tonfounded,becaufe Ididbeare the repro ¡eh ofmyyouth. Herewee fee Ephraim lamenting himfelfe, as if the finner fhould fay, I am thewretch that have feene all the meanes of grace in abundant mealure and beautie, and yet never profited under the famep the Lord hath corrected me, but I would .not be tamed the Lordbee bath inffruáed mee, but I wouldnot learner Lord turne mee, thou art my God,I have nothing in my felfe. Nay,now I fee the evils which before I never perceived, and I E e 2 obferve