The Soule'lfl<.í`izsa!ïcallin.g rQChrifl. 22I him againe. But mofl excellent is that place of theCanticles, ( marke the manner ofthe guileof the Spirit of Go:l, exprcflìng himtelfe to the foule) He broatght me to the Ba»quettingboute andcant. s, 4, iris Banner over me was Love: and what followeth ? Staymee with fï:ggons, and comfort mee with apples, for i rrnficheof Love. When the Banner ofChrifts love isdifplayed over the foule, the tonie cornes to bee ficke of lore to Chrifl aglice. Iii warre when theCiptaine difplayeth thebanner, three things aredone by it: Firfl, it argueth the pre- fence of the Generali SecotidlV, it 'commands all the Souldiers to corne to It Thirdly, all come under it. Now obferve the excellency of the rweetnefTe of the fed& of the Spirit of God; whenGod difplayeth the banner of his love, in theperfeFt colours andbeauty of it to thefoule; then all thehearts ofpoore fainting (inners come in as Souldiere,and they are fickeoflove tohim; now this love ofGod begets love in us againe, in threeparticulars. Firfl, there is a fweetneffe and rellith which Gods love lets into the foule,and that warmes the particular. heart, When a man is fainting, aqua vire com- forts him : Thy loving &indneff is better than life (faith the Prophet David) there is aqua vita in- deed; the Lord lets inbut one glimpfeofhis love, and that warmes the foules. This is that obfer. vable in the Canticles, Let him kite mee with the Cant. 2.3', kiffes ofhis mouth, for thy love is better thanwine: opencd. becarsfe ofthe favourofthy good oyntment, toy Name kin oyntment powredforth, thereforedoe theVirgins F f love