Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

2 2 2 The Seules o f feEual! caring toChriff. love thee. Every poore lïnfull creature, thou that dri:keft water, if thou haft Chrifts love, thou thinkeft it better than the heft wine under hea- ven Let him Lille me with the kíjJes of his lips, that is, with the comfortsof his Word and Spin rit : fo that marke what the foule faith ; Let the Lord Jesus Chrift refreshmy foule with the fwect comforts and confolations of his Word, and it will be better than wine. But firft he must kiffe himwith the ki,(fer ofhis lippes, before his love can bebetter than rfine,that is, the Lordby the power ofhis Spirit in the minifteryofthe Word, mutt expreffe his love to the foule, and that drawes the love ofthe foule to God:andnukewhat follow- eth, becaufe of the favour of thy good oyntments, therefore the Virgins love, thee : by Chrifts oynt. ments, are Chrifts graces Signified. Now when the Lord Jefus Chrift doth communicate the fweet favour ofhis grace into the foule, then the Virgins which are loofened from finne, love the ord Jefus ; but ñrft the favour of theoyntment muff be fpred abroad before they can love him. ,Particul. Secondly, as the fweetneflè of Gods love warmes the heart, fo the freeneffe of the fame doth even beginne to kindle a love in the foule : Herein faith the Apoftle,Gad commends his love turx.r.S towards us, in that while wewere yet enemies unto him, Chriff diedfor uu. The Lord tends from hea- ven to apoore mikrablecreature commendmy lo.e, commend me mercy to filch apoore foule, and tell him though heehashBeenean enemy to me, yet I am a friend tohim; tell him though he bath