Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

'The soulei eélfuallcallinn to Chriff. 2 23 bath Beene a traitor tomee, I have beene a good King to him : he bath beenea rebell tomee, but tell him I have beene a good God to him; com- mendmy love to him, and lethim know that all his Gnnes are done away, for the Lord Jefusdied for fnners, when they were finners. This is the argument ofSaint Iohn, IfGod fo loved su, as that be his onely begotten Sonnefor us, how ought wee to love one another? I colle& from hence; But how thenought we to love God himfelfe? It was this that kindled the frozen heart of Saul, he had a heart almoft as cold as ice, and; et this did worke upon him. Marke what the text faith : When David had taken soul on the hip, r st,n 24 .rs, and had him at advantage, and might have taken away his life, andyet would not when hee faw that David was fokinde and would doe him no hurt ; David knew Saul perfecuted him, and de- fired tokill him, heewas themoft profefl enemy he had, and was the onely man that flood be- tweene him and the kingdome: Now when Da-. vid had him inhis hands, and fpared him, this kindneffe of Davidwrought evenupon the heart ofa saul,and kindleda kindeoflovein him,as the text faith; Thou art moreri'hreoue than I, for thou haft rewarded mee good, and 1 have rewarded thee evib', and thou hail (hewed this day, that rho* haft dealt wellwith me; forafmuch as whet the Lordhad deliveredmee into thine hands, thou killedlt';ote nor,' for ifaman finde an enemy, will hee let hit* gee well away? wherefore the Lord reward thee good, for that thouhaft done untome this day. So that wee feea F f 2 Saul