Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

TheSoule(e eftuall calling toChrift. this will kindle and inflameyour hearts with ad- mirable love to theLordJefus. When the firmer thinkes thus withhimfelfe, I that havedone all that I could againft fogood aGod, that my heart even bleeds to thinke ofit;therewas no namcun der Heaven I tore inpeeces¡but Gods Name: his wounds, and heart, and li#e, I have torne all : nay therewas no command in the world that my foule fu much defpifed, as the command of the Lord Jefas. There was no fpirit that ever flake tome, which I fo much refitted, as the Spirit of the Lord. Ohhow manyTweet motions hash the Lord let intomy foule, that he might plucke mee from my bale courfesand finfull pra&ices : but I have flowen in the face of his bleffed Spirit. IfI had lien in a dungeon, and had Beene plagued with tormentsall my life time; yea though I had another world of mifery to live in, it is infinite mercy, fo the Lord would paflë by there bale dealings, and pardon there rebellions of mine. But that God ( hould fendhis Sonne to love mee, fo incomparably, founconceivably, that I could nor hate him fo much as he lovedme ; I couldnot fo exceed inunkindnef e towardshim, as hebath exceeded in kindrefl'e towards mee. Oh the height ofthis mercybeyond my delire ! Oh the breadth of this mercy without all bounds !' oh the length of this mercy beyond all times ! Oh the depth of this mercy beneath all mileries !' Weremy eyes made of love, L could nothing . but weepe love; were my tongue made of love, Icould nothingbut talke love; were myhands F. f 3, made_ saf