Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

TheSoule,reftèHuaIIca/lil to Chriff, 227 him, this is a workeofgrace, which gröweth not inourgardens: there is not one fparkc ofthis holy fireand fpiricualdelight inour hearts.Naywe can- notbuy it, nor borrow it, norreceive it from any creature under Heaven, further than the Father fends downe fome beamesof his love to kindle this in us, further than theblefl'ed Spirit ofGod is pleated to blow thefe fparkes when they are kindled, further than theLord lefus Chriff isplea - fed by the power of his merits to feed theta fparkes of love thus blowne inour foules.ft is al- moft impofiible,that any man in hisnaturall efface fhould be fodeluded, as to thinke bee can love the Lord or delight in him. The Apoffle Paul,Tim,r.r3,j4 tels us plainly, hee was a perfecutor, andablaf he- opened. mer, andiajuriozu : Paul coulddoethis; and thou haply can't doe this; thoucanft be a blafphemer againft jefus Chriff, and thou can'f be a per fecu- tor of Jefus Chriff ; but Paul cannot beleeve in Chriff, nor love the Lord Iefus; how cornes hee to this ? Why, the grace ofour Lord was exceeding abundant withfaith andlove which is inCi ^ri.$ Ier,ic (marke that) As if hee fhould fay, it was Gods abundant grace thatoverpowerd "my unfaithfull heart, and made it faithful' : It was Gods abun- dant grace that over- povverd my ffubbornr inju- rious heart, and made it a loving heart. But how comes this, tha: thegraceof the Lord was abun- dant in faith and love ? Why, i t is in Chritt, faith the text:, from Chriff this faithwas rooted, from Chriff this love waskindled : Asifhe had faid, could perfecute, and blafpheme, and defpife, and