x z ël TheSaes egia ttalG cailing toGhriff. and calf offGod and his grace, i was a wretch, a villaine, that I could doe : But that I fhould love the Lord being injurious, and that I (honk! be leeve the Lord being trnfaithfìrll, this was from Chriff alone. In experiencewe finde ir, thebail miff firff fill upon the ground, before it can boundupagaine, and retorne from the gräund : So the Lord jefas muff dart in, and fling in this loveof his into the fin!e, before the fettle can re. bound in love and joy backe to hire againe. We trim. 1.7. muff receive the Spirit of love from God, before the Lord can receive any fpirifnail and holy love from us. In aword, what the Lord fpake in forne cafe to the Jewes, is true ofevery man naturally s Zola 5. 42. 1know rh:ieyou have not the love ofGod its yota : As ifhe fhould fay, youknow not your felves, you thineyou have hearts inlarged toGod, andyou pretend great kindncffero God: but you arede- ceived in your foules, and cozened inyour cor- rupt natures : for i know full well that the love of cod is not inyou. I panne the point the rather for thefe twoends. Firff, it difcovers and confutes the carnal! conceitsof a companyof carnali Gofpellers, that pretend they doe not delight to fet out them felves in thew fo much, and they doe not heard and pray andfaff fomuch as thefeand thefedoe. But,fay they, as for the found/Icaofour love to the Lord leas, we defie any man in the world that fpeakes againff us , they finde 'no difficulty in the matter to love the Lord, theyare certainly perfwaded they doe that. Thereforeifthe Mini- (ter