Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

?'he 3o e mat calling to Chrift. 229 fter (hall preffeupon them,andchallenge them of want of love toGod and his grace, they flie ina mans face prefently ; What, not love the Lord jefus Chriff? why then it is pixie a man fhould live upon the face of the earth : they doe love him, and they will love him, all the world fhall not perfwade them from the loving.of' Chriff. Oh Poore filly creature, it is a great argument that thou never hadff this love to God, becaufe thou faweff no Lardneffe to get ir. an argu- ment thou never drift expreffé delight in Chrifi,bccaufe thou thinkcff it an eafiematter to dtlightinhim. Moft men thinke it a matter of nothing ; what, not love the LordJefus Chrift ? why, who cannot love Chritt ? Who cannot ? I fay,neirher thou,nor I,nor anymanunder heaven canloveChrift by anypower in himfelfe : Nay let me fpeake peremptorily, thou art as able to Pave thy owne foule, nay thou art as able to re- deeme thy tòulewithout Chrift , as thou art able (unlefl'e the Lord by the Almightie helpe of his Spirit finable thee) to love the Lord fefus Chrift. Naymarke what I fay, you that love Chrift, and yet doe nothing for him, but pretend great kind- neffe inwardly, however you expreffe not your felves in outward appearance; I tell thee, if a man might have happineffe by it, if he might have heaven laid downe upon the naile (as wee fay) if he could love Chrift, I fay, upon thefe conditions, if thouhaft but nature' in thee, thou wouldft never goe toheaven, thouwouldft never be happie. No, no, it will colt thee more than Gg that