It 23a 2'he settler effeateall calking to Chrift, that comes to, it will colt thee much paines, it will coat thee many prayers, and many teares, be- fore that day come. It is notan eafie matter to love the Lord Jefus; the Father from heaven muff learne you that ; you muff goe to another manner offchoole, than ever you haveberm at yet, if ever you leaine this lecture : thou mayft pray till thy eyes finke in thy head, and till thy heart failes; and yet thou canft not love Chrift, unleffethe Spirit finable thee thereunto. Thinke of this, you that thinke it is nothing to love the Lord Jefus Chrift: If it were nothing but to talkeof love, and tocomplement with theLord Jefus, tomake a curfie toChrift, and to make a leg to the Lord,and yet hate him inwardly, then it were an eafie matter indeed; it is nothing to buckle to him in this fafhion, and in the mean timeoppofe him, and the power of his grace: but to entertaine and welcome aSaviour, lutable and agreeable to the worth of him, this nature will not,cannot doe,it is the worke otthc Lord. a. Obferve it (Ibefeech you) I fay, as nature can- not doe this,fo nature will not doe it: firft nature i r9hn is cannot doe it, God it light, and in him is ne dark. Fphef.s.s, neffe,fiith the text, at all: and, rewere darkneflè, but noware light in the Lord: Aman naturally is no- thingbut darkneffe,and God is nothingbut light; a man by nature is nothing but unholy, andGod is nothing but holy. Now darknefle will refift light, and not give way to it; and wickedneffe will oppofe holinefl'e, and not give way to the fame: this is thy condition, thou haft an igno- rant