The Soule.r e eduallcalling to Chrift. 231 rant carnall blinde heart, and God is light, pure, andholy, and thou canft refift a Saviour, but not entertaine him, doe what thou canit. Nay further, as a man cannot naturally doe 2, this,fo in the fccond place,I fay,he will not doeit. The Apoftle affirmes of theThefi'alonians, That they wouldnot receive the loveofthe truth, that they o Tie az,e. might befaved; hedothnot fay, They would not r receive the truth, but they would not receive the love of the truth. It is a phrafe taken from a man, which makes love to a partie, fo the truthofGod makes love tomany a man, it makes love to thy naughtie and corrupt heart, and would plucke thee away from thefe things here below, and would draw thee from thybafehaunts, and filthy lufts, and finfull courtes ; and it would wooe and winne thy foule to take place in it, that it may {hewcomfort to it : the truthofGod makes love to theworld,and the world will noneofthe truth: Chrift came to the world, and theworld received himnot, they were fo farre from feekingaSavi- our, and comming tohim, that they would not receive a Saviour, when hee came unto them. Therefore ?.now, thouhaft a heart that can hate the Lord Jefus Chrift,butthou haft not aheart to love him,thou haft not a heart that can delight in his good Spirit,thou haft not aheart that can take content in his rich grace. The fecond reafon why I preffe this point, is 2. this, I would difcover the diforderly dealing of many poore Saints of God with their owne foules : Many apoore childeofGod labours ex Gg 2 trernely,