2 3 Thesouksef itta>lcallingto Chrif%. tremely, and takes great paines to worke his foule, andbring his heart to loveChrifr : he fills out with himfelfe, becaufe he cannot love Cod, andhe is ready tocurie hinrfclfe, bee cannot get his heart up to heaven, where is more riches than is ih thebefr riches of the world ; where is more honour than in the great& honour upon earth ; where is more pieafure than in the grea- teft delight here below : they laLour,,ndcan finde no good fitccef e; they take paines, but their workedo*h hot fbcceedprofperoufly: the reaf<)n is this, they doe not begin at the right end, they worke thewrong way : goe to the leaoflove,and goe to the fitnne of righteoufneffe, and to the beames ofGods merde, which onely can worke thy heart to loveGod, anddelight in him : doe not goe to thy cold earthly frozen heart, and thinke to fetch love from thence, thinke not to bring love to die promife, but look e to receive love from theprotnife, but it is the loveofGr,d towards thee, that muff draw love from thee to Godagaine. It was the fpeechofChrifr,whert he was tofend the Gonjffrter tohis Difciples, He fball receive ofmixe ( faith the text) andtive it untoJou: marke the phrafe, allgraces and all fpirituall abi- litiesare Chrifts.; goe thy wayes therefore, and prelle the Lord Jcfus with this promife ofhis,and fay, The truth is,Lord, the heartto love theeand delight in thee is thine; and thou haft faid, thy spirit (hail take of thine,andgive tous ; therefore give to us ofthine,Lord, that thou mayffreceive of thine from us: Our hearts cannot love nor de- light