The settles e feattallcalling to Chrift. light in thy Majeftie, but it muff come from thee; give it to us therefore Lord, that wee may give theeofthine owne. The fecond thing I gather from thisdoctrine, is this, namely, Prong comfort and confolation to ftayand refrefh the hearts of thofe that have received this gracious worke. What ever thy weakne fl'e be, it skils not: Is thy love in truth ? Is thy joy found ? it is enough, thy foule may bee comforted, in that the Lord bath beftowed this gracious werke upon thee in any meafure; if thy love be in truth,ktwill carry thee through all oc- cafons in this pilgrimageofthine,and bring thee to everlafting happineffe; it is a groundofadmi rable refrefhing to the foule, that findcs in his heart this love anddelight in God. The text tel- leth us, amanbynature cannot doe this ; There- fore if' thou haft this, goe thy way, cheare thy foule,and blcflì God for it, andmake muchofír, and fay, Thouhaft more than all carnal! men, than all cunning hypocrites under heaven can have; pretend what they will,andprofcffewhat they pleafe,thou that haft the love ofGod in any meafure, ti ough in much weaknefl'e, thou haft more than they all. This may refrefh the hearts ofmany ofyou poore ones, though haplymany other things goe ill withyou, yet this appeares in theyounglingsofChrift,though they cannot doe any thing fortheir Father, yet they can love him; it isa loving childe, we fay,it can love the Father, though it candoe nothing forhim : fo you poore weake Chriftians, that have fmall meaner, little. C g 3 abilities, 233 2. Vf;