234 TheSouks drduagca6líng toChrift. abilities, haply thy underflanding is not fodeepe to fadome the myfteriesof life and falvation, thy tongue is not fo glib to talke fo freely, and con. ferre fo comfortably of heavenly things thou can't not be enlarged inholy duties, thy under- llanding is marvellous blinde, thymemorymar- vellous weake, thyparts exceeding feeble, fo that thou art even afhamed ofthy klfe, and ofwhat thouhail and doff. But I aske thee this queftion, Cana thou love Christ, and reioyce in the Lord jefus ? mee thinkes many a poore foule replies, (es, I bleffe theLord, that is all I have to uphold my heart withall; I thinke all the profits, and pleafurc and friends in the world, cannot draw my love fromChrist, it is mydelight to love him, and rejoyce in him : Goe thy wayesthen,and the Godofheavengo with thee; this ('parkeisafparke ofchat immortall Spiritof the Father whichwill never dye,it is a workeofgrace,which will never leave thee, ir is a badge, it is the cognizance, gild theproper liverie which the Lord Jesus Christ gives only tohis Saints: therewas nevera hypo- crite under heaven that ever wore this, God in- tended it not for them; but thofe, and onely thofe,which the Lord bathelfeetually called,and will glorifiewith himfelfe hereafter, weare this : and therefore thou that wanteflall,&yet haft this, comfort thy felfewith this in the want ofall, and fay,I love theLord, and the Lordknowes ir, and my foule knowes that I love the Lord Jefîrs I can fay t: ut little for Chria, my underftanding is weake, I conceive not, my memorie is weake, I retaine