Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

TheSoutes efdualcalling to Chriff- 23 5 retainnot, but yet the Lord knowes I love him, anddelight inhim. Yea, and know thou it too, and comfort thy felfe therein ; the Apofilc pro- vol,es us to love one another,becatife love comesfrom tohn 4% God; now ifthe love to the brethrencomes from God, becaufe wee feeGods image in them, then the love ofGodhath amuch more expreffe worke in it: therefore reafon thus withyour (elves 3 The time was,that this wretchéd, vile, carnali, world- lyheart of mine, could findeno refill] in thepro- mife; I could not bring this naughtie foule of mine to entertaine theGofpell of grace, nor the Spirit of grace, but they were tedious and irk- fame to my foule, but the Lord (bleffed be his name) bath beene pleafed tohelpe me, fo that I can doe that which Inever could doe. I finde the Lords promife and goodneffe much more com- fortable to me, than all the corne and wine in the world,andmyheart is cheared with the confide- rationofthe fame. The Apoflle faith, A§ things Roma Zc.. Pallworke togetherfor the heft to them that love God ; namely, to chofe that are called according tohis purpofe, that is, to thofe that fo love God, that their love came by calling, according to Gods everlaffing counfell, fie calledthem in his good time from darknefle to light, and hecalled them from the love of the world, to the love of God ; therefore all things (hallworke togetherfor the bell to them: let nothing therefore difcourage thee in this cafe,but fay, All things fhall worke for my good,becaufeGad hathgivenme a heart to love him : nay be cheated herein, I charge you, and let