The Smiles eletualdcadtint tu Chrift. Thefirft is this, when the foute having heardof that plentiful! redemption that is Li Chr.ft, asal- fohaving apprehended the revelation thereof; it commeth to clofe with theworke of the Spirit, revealing, prefenting, and offering grace to the heart : nay, it comes togive entertainment to he richesofthat mercy revealed to he foule. There is in the mercyofGod, andin thebleffed truthof thepromifes, a great excellency. Nowwhen thi^ is foplentifully brought home to theheart,that i breakes throughall oppofirions, which mayhin- der theworkeofthe Spirit upon the foule, wheia it isbrought home by the spirit of God ; and the heart gives way,and clofeswith it, fo that there is nothingbetweene that and the foule ; this I take tobe the firft crame of the foule, that beginnes to learne this leffon, it beginne , toclofe to thetruth, to give wa to the fweetneflethat is in it, andbids adieu to all delight and finnes, and wharfoever maybe a hindrance unto it,from recivingof this grace into the foule. This is the firft pallage. The fecond. withwhich I will cor:cludc is this; that as theCoule clofeth with that mercy,andwel- comtm th it, and the heart is content ro ta'. e up mercy upon rhofe termes : fo in th( fecond place, there is an impreflon and difpo(ìrion left ul::ori the foule, th t it is framed and di jofed ; there is akinde ofprirt which the foule kath with ir; fa thatas themercy ofGod is reve1cd to the foule, andcommunicated to the foule;fo there is akird ofitnpreffion, frame, and ptir;r, which the heart retain:th, andbath wroughr upon it x:y this grace G 2 and 47