2 The SoulesefeJuallcaainy toShrift. let not your hearts droope , and quarrell not with the Lord for a greater portion, but blelfe God for that you have received,jowr lot itfallen intoa fairegroand, and the Lordhath dealt loving- lywith you, youneed nomore for achildes part. David delirad no more, Locke upon mee, O Lord, (faithhe) anddoej,00d unto me: how? as thouufefl to doe unto th)fe that love thy name. As if hee had fail, I de fire no morefor my life and everlafting happineffe, and the comfort of my foule ; deale withmeno otherwife, but juft fo, as thoudoeft with thofethat love thyname : I know thouwilt love them that love thee, I know thouwilt fave them that love thee; I know thou wilt comfort them that love thee; I know thou wilt glorifie them that love thee : thus Lorddoe good to thy fervant, I defìrenomore, I craveno other, but as thou doeft, as thouufeft to doe good to thofe that love thyname: ifI have that,I have enough: David a King, aglorious Saint, defired nomore,. expected nomore : if thouhaft fo much, know that thou art beholding to theLord, and be con. tented therewith. Haplyyou havenot that vaine of talking and conference which others have, this is commendable, but thcre is a great dealeof pride and vanitie in it now adayes; thoucanft not crancke up thyCelle in performances,butthy heart clofeth with God, and thy affections arefet upon him,and thy foule burneswith love towards the Lord; why that is enough to bring thee to heaven,if therebe ever a Saint in heaven,thou art one now, & (halt be in heaven forever hereafter: But