Z33 Thesouks e raw! cafi ng to Chrift). fearch intheworld; iI thy love come from the right mint, it is currant and warrantable, it is fuch as our Saviour approves of : It is drifts toyall prerogative to mint love, and coine !itch love, as hewill rake for payment, and accept of ; therefore Both thy love come from the Spirit of the Father? then it is made fit to clofe with the Father,and todolewith the Lord lefus, and with his good Spirit; and confequently theFather ai- lowes this, and will give acceptance to it. You know great men mull beentertained anfwerable to their worth ; for a man to have meane fare and fcant provifion, this may content a poore man ; but the choifefl and belt, dearebought, andtam fetched, befeernes men of great ranke andplace. So there is akinde of leane love, this earthly andnatural! love, that groves only cut of thyowne ftrength and naturall parts, it is leant provifion,it befeenaes nor, it Bits nor withGod the Father, it is not anfwerable to the place and lateofthe Lord lefits Chrift. Iris good enough for thefe bale things here below, earthly love for earthly things, calnail love for carnall things; 'st is good enough for thefe things. But will you entertaine the Fatherof heaven? Will you en- tertaine the Lord Iefirs Chrift ? I tell you then you muff have dainties, you rnuft have fpirituall love to welcome a fpirituall Father, otherwife it will not be futable to his worth. Looke as it is with flowers, thofe flowers which are fowen and planted, end by the skilful! handofthe gardiner inocculated, are clioile ones both for fen land